To start your process in NaProTechnology, you must first learn about your cycles and how to chart them. A minimum of two charted cycles (with Creighton Model charting) is necessary to start NaProTechnology (with exception to Post-Partum Depression). This is because your chart provides crucial information which helps in diagnosis and treatment.
The first followup is typically two weeks after the introductory session. There are 8 followups in the first year. Once these are completed, subsequent followups are provided every 6-12 months or on an as needed basis.
NaProTechnology use the Creighton Model charting system to diagnose and treat:
-Menstrual cramps
-Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
-Ovarian Cysts
-Irregular/Abnormal bleeding
-Polycystic Ovarian Disease
-Recurrent Miscarriage
-Postpartum Depression
-Hormone abnormalities
-Prematurity prevention
-Chronic discharges
-And other problems
Many of the treatment are just as effective if not more effective as other approraches. More more information on NaProTechnology, please visit:
The first followup is typically two weeks after the introductory session. There are 8 followups in the first year. Once these are completed, subsequent followups are provided every 6-12 months or on an as needed basis.
NaProTechnology use the Creighton Model charting system to diagnose and treat:
-Menstrual cramps
-Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
-Ovarian Cysts
-Irregular/Abnormal bleeding
-Polycystic Ovarian Disease
-Recurrent Miscarriage
-Postpartum Depression
-Hormone abnormalities
-Prematurity prevention
-Chronic discharges
-And other problems
Many of the treatment are just as effective if not more effective as other approraches. More more information on NaProTechnology, please visit: