Naturopathic Medicine
All licensed naturopathic physicians are educated and trained at accredited naturopathic medical schools in the art and science of natural healthcare. Naturopathic physicians use the same techniques as conventional physicians in order to diagnose disease, which include thorough patient history, physical exams and laboratory testing. A NDs education in clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture allows for a combination of all of these modalities to assist in treating each person with an individualized approach. Training also includes the study of pharmaceutical medications and their interactions with natural remedies. However, NDs aim to restore a patient back to health by using a variety of proven natural therapies, which are tailored to a patient's condition. Once health is restored, a maintenance plan is established in order to prevent further disease.
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic physicians are guided by the following six principles:
Licensure of Naturopathic Physicians in Connecticut
Naturopathic physicians have been licensed to practice medicine in the state of Connecticut since the 1930s. Naturopathic physicians in Connecticut use all modalities of their training except for surgery, IV therapy, and prescription drugs.
Education / Training
All NDs graduating from nationally accredited naturopathic medical programs have fulfilled the following criteria:
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic physicians are guided by the following six principles:
- First Do No Harm
- The Healing Power of Nature
- Identify and Treat the Causes
- Doctor as Teacher
- Treat the Whole Person
- Prevention
Licensure of Naturopathic Physicians in Connecticut
Naturopathic physicians have been licensed to practice medicine in the state of Connecticut since the 1930s. Naturopathic physicians in Connecticut use all modalities of their training except for surgery, IV therapy, and prescription drugs.
Education / Training
All NDs graduating from nationally accredited naturopathic medical programs have fulfilled the following criteria:
- Four years of graduate medical education
- Two-year clinical internship
- Two-step licensing exams administered nationally by NABME
- Basic exams in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology and microbiology
- Clinical board exams in clinical and physical diagnosis, laboratory diagnosis, psychology, emergency medicine, pharmacology, clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, physical medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy and minor surgery