It is safe to say that light is fundamental to human health! We have talked about impact of blue light on your health but what about red light and infrared light? Here is a quick overview of what red light is and the benefits it has on human health.
What is Red Light and infrared Light?
Visible red light occurs between 625–760 nm. Red light is capable of penetrating the skin at a depth of 8-10 cm. This allows it to work at the cellular level, specifically to enhance the function of the mitochondria. Infrared light, which is non-visible and perceived as heat, is found roughly after 760 nm on the electromagnetic spectrum and divided into three different bands—IR-A (760–1400 nm), IR-B (1400–3000 nm), and IR-C (3000 nm–1 mm). Red light is capable of penetrating the skin at a depth of 8-10 cm. This allows it to work at the cellular level, specifically to enhance the function of the mitochondria.
Often times we associate red light and infrared light as the same because infrared light can accompany visible red light. An example of this is the sun. The sun has visible red light that we can see but it also has infrared light which we feel as heat.
Visible red light occurs between 625–760 nm. Red light is capable of penetrating the skin at a depth of 8-10 cm. This allows it to work at the cellular level, specifically to enhance the function of the mitochondria. Infrared light, which is non-visible and perceived as heat, is found roughly after 760 nm on the electromagnetic spectrum and divided into three different bands—IR-A (760–1400 nm), IR-B (1400–3000 nm), and IR-C (3000 nm–1 mm). Red light is capable of penetrating the skin at a depth of 8-10 cm. This allows it to work at the cellular level, specifically to enhance the function of the mitochondria.
Often times we associate red light and infrared light as the same because infrared light can accompany visible red light. An example of this is the sun. The sun has visible red light that we can see but it also has infrared light which we feel as heat.
Beneficial Wave Lengths:
All wavelengths of light have some benefit in the correct dose and combination. At Avena, we have chosen a device that combines several wavelengths that have proven benefits. Additionally our device has flicker eliminated which is a harmful element of artificial lighting that is often not controlled for.
Utilizing Red Light
Visible red light penetrates the skin and is responsible for stimulating collagen production which reduces wrinkles, scars and promotes wound healing. Infrared light penetrates even deeper into the tissue and is responsible for and can help with inflammation, and muscle recovery.
There are several sources of red light that humans can utilize to positively impact health.
The first is sunlight. This undoubtedly by the best source.
The second is red light therapy. Red light therapy is the use of direct doses of red and infrared light to stimulate the natural cellular processes of healing and repair. Most humans today are deficient in red light due to a higher volume of time spent indoors under artificial blue light. In modern times, even with intermittent time spent outdoors, we are unable to achieve the required dose of red light to optimize cellular function, especially if your body is already unwell. Human's mitochondria require broad spectrum light to function efficiently. Red light therapy specifically helps the mitochondria better produce energy for the cell. Red light therapy replenished mitochondria efficiency using a whole body exposure to the correct wavelength frequencies.
Add Back The Red Light To Your Life
At Avena, we are very excited to be offering Red Light Therapy to our community. We feel strongly that this invaluable tool—especially when paired with meaningful lifestyle changes—can benefit you on your journey towards better health.
All wavelengths of light have some benefit in the correct dose and combination. At Avena, we have chosen a device that combines several wavelengths that have proven benefits. Additionally our device has flicker eliminated which is a harmful element of artificial lighting that is often not controlled for.
Utilizing Red Light
Visible red light penetrates the skin and is responsible for stimulating collagen production which reduces wrinkles, scars and promotes wound healing. Infrared light penetrates even deeper into the tissue and is responsible for and can help with inflammation, and muscle recovery.
There are several sources of red light that humans can utilize to positively impact health.
The first is sunlight. This undoubtedly by the best source.
The second is red light therapy. Red light therapy is the use of direct doses of red and infrared light to stimulate the natural cellular processes of healing and repair. Most humans today are deficient in red light due to a higher volume of time spent indoors under artificial blue light. In modern times, even with intermittent time spent outdoors, we are unable to achieve the required dose of red light to optimize cellular function, especially if your body is already unwell. Human's mitochondria require broad spectrum light to function efficiently. Red light therapy specifically helps the mitochondria better produce energy for the cell. Red light therapy replenished mitochondria efficiency using a whole body exposure to the correct wavelength frequencies.
Add Back The Red Light To Your Life
At Avena, we are very excited to be offering Red Light Therapy to our community. We feel strongly that this invaluable tool—especially when paired with meaningful lifestyle changes—can benefit you on your journey towards better health.